On the issues...

Championing our Public Schools

I believe that public education is one of the cornerstones of democracy. As your representative, I will be committed to funding public schools to provide every child with a quality education. Ensuring appropriately staffed Special Education programs are in place is crucial for equity in our schools. I will work tirelessly to advocate for state-funded resources and support that all students deserve in order to thrive in a free appropriate public education setting. Mental health services are a vital component of education, and I will push for accessible and comprehensive support for all students. Additionally, I understand the importance of a balanced curriculum that includes sports, art and music classes, and vocational training, which are essential for fostering creativity, teamwork, and belonging. Our teachers and support staff are the backbone of our educational system, and they deserve our support and respect. I will strongly oppose unchecked school vouchers that divert much-needed funds away from public schools. Lastly, I am passionate that all teachers, staff, and students have the fundamental right to work and learn in a safe environment.

Protecting Democracy and Voting Rights

I firmly reject all attempts to undermine legitimate election results. I support policies that make voting more accessible, including absentee voting and conditional, affidavit ballots for new voters. I believe that every eligible citizen should have the opportunity to participate in our democracy. Additionally, I will advocate for the necessary training, resources, and protections that enable our election officials to perform their duties effectively, fairly, and safely. 

Protecting our Natural Resources 

I am deeply committed to safeguarding our town's natural resources for the benefit of future generations. I will champion stronger protections for the health and safety of our lakes and ponds, fight to restore well-radius safeguards for our drinking water, and support legislation to regulate PFAS-containing products. Furthermore, I will oppose any plans to place landfills near water bodies, ensuring a clean and safe environment for all.

Defending Reproductive Freedom

I believe medical decisions are best made between a patient and their medical professional. I fully support legal protections for residents of other states who travel to New Hampshire for healthcare, as well as for medical professionals who perform reproductive procedures. Additionally, I stand by the right of individuals and families to decide when and how to have children. 

Improving Communication with Constituents 

I am committed to improving communication between our representatives and the community. I will actively seek input from stakeholders to ensure all voices are heard and considered. To maintain transparency, I will publish my votes in the our local newspapers, along with the reasoning behind decisions. Additionally, I will hold listening sessions to engage directly with constituents, addressing their concerns and ideas. 

Additional Priorities

  • I fully support, honor, and celebrate the many ways families are shaped.
  • I believe in the dignity and worth of every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, race, or religion.
  • I oppose state income and sales taxes.
  • I support the legalization of recreational marijuana.
  • I believe in a balanced approach to affordable housing. Our seniors deserve to age in place and stay in town. Our teaching staff, firefighters, librarians, police officers, and municipal employees should be able to live in the community they work in.
  • I support common-sense gun legislation such as expanded background checks, allowing extreme risk protection orders, and a 3-day waiting period for firearm purchases.
  • I oppose Project 2025 and the threats it makes to our democracy.
  • I oppose any effort to secede from the United States.

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